how 2020 can help you discover new levels of resilience
a resilient perspective on 2020 can make all the difference you and your business need
Jasmine Perera, Head of Sales and Operations for rpc UK, started reaching out to some key contacts to find out how they have been dealing with external impositions as well as internal discoveries during the Covid-19 crisis and the lockdown. Nicola Panton, Retailer Marketing Manager at MINI UK shares her story in an interview with Jasmine about how resilience helped her in the last months.
video #1
In the first part they talk about how Nicola dealt with her mental health during the lockdown, tips and tricks that helped her establish new routines and adapt to the new and unexpected situation.
video #2
In the second part of the interview with Nicola Panton, they discussed the impact the crisis had on the business. How did she have to change her way of working? How did the communication with colleagues and retailers change? What tools were helpful? What were her biggest learnings from this time?
video #3
In the last part of the interview, you will hear about Nicola's key learnings from this difficult time. Nicola shares personal, helpful tips how to manage yourself better and summarises benefits for the business.