In today's dynamic market landscape, the concept of omnichannel engagement has become a familiar term, promising seamless integration across various customer touchpoints. However, achieving it remains a challenge. Many companies struggle to synchronize diverse channels effectively, resulting in fragmented customer experiences and missed opportunities. Despite evolving customer expectations and behaviors, outdated channel structures persist, leading to disjointed customer journeys and subpar customer experiences.
Introducing the rpc Omnichannel Interplay: a comprehensive solution designed to map out your touchpoint ecosystem, ensuring a seamless customer journey. By integrating channels effectively, businesses can delight customers with a cohesive experience, driving satisfaction, conversion rates, and lifetime value.
Does this sound familiar to you?

Then you might have encountered our clients' problems
Unsolved CX challenges often lead to a chain of negative effects such as a low number of leads, as potential customers are deterred by inadequate CX and drop out of the sales funnel. Additionally, insufficient customer satisfaction results in expressed displeasure or customers simply disappearing, while low conversion rates lead customers to abandon the purchase process, turning to competitors instead. This domino effect extends to low retention rates, where disappointed customers buy less or cannot be won back with campaigns, ultimately impacting the customer lifetime value as profitable relationships falter.
The Omnichannel Interplay Advantage
The term "Omnichannel Interplay" refers to the seamless integration and coordination of various channels and touchpoints within a CX ecosystem. It involves ensuring that different channels, such as online platforms, physical stores, social media, and customer service, work together harmonically to provide customers with a consistent and unified experience across all interactions. By doing so, companies make sure they break down barriers between departments and increase satisfaction, engagement, and ultimately, business success.
Let's talk numbers
We observe positive impact on CX and business metrics across industries when connecting channels to a seamless interplay
A well designed omnichannel interplay adds tangible value to your brand:
More turnover generated compared to
single or multi-channel customers
Source: MuleSoft, 2023
More repeat purchases in physical stores within omnichannel shopping experience
Source: Bloomreach, 2023
Increase in annual revenue, compared to 3.4% for poor omnichannel brand strategies
Source: Shopify, 2023
How to transform CX challenges into Omnichannel Interplay success – rpc recommendations

to foster a culture of collaboration, emphasising consistent communication and shared objectives. This entails implementing training, setting clear goals, and providing incentives to promote cross-functional collaboration.
is the cornerstone of your approach. Use surveys to find out what pain points and needs your customers have and develop solutions for customer-focused omnichannel interplay.
to break down data silos and define overarching omnichannel KPIs. Select value-enhancing tools that automate data collection and enable derived forecasts and interpretation.
through regularly learning from collected data and market observations, prioritizing potential initiatives to improve omnichannel interplay and implementing them effectively across the entire business ecosystem.

Now it's your turn to act
We create the basis for a successful omnichannel interplay in 5 phases and
based on your existing CX strategy elements
1 | CX Strategy Discovery
- Review existing CX strategy elements
- Define which existing materials can be utilized
- Specify if some elements need to be newly created or adjusted
- Develop or enhance CX strategy elements
- Align elements to create one CX strategy foundation
- Collection of existing or enhanced CX strategy elements (target groups & personae, channels & touchpoints, journeys)
2 | Omnichannel Interplay Assessment
- Oppose all channels and interactions based on journeys in a matrix
- Differentiate target group relevant channels & touchpoints
- Identify dependencies between channels and touchpoints
- Detail dependencies and synchronization potential
- Ideate future CX scenarios
- Compilation of target group relevant channel & touchpoint combinations
- Omnichannel Interplay Matrix per target group
3 | Omnichannel Interplay Scoring
- Determine scoring criteria for customer, brand and business impact dimension
- Execute the scoring of channel and touchpoints combinations with experts
- Summarize scoring results
- Define prioritization logic
- Derive channel and touchpoint combi-nation priority
- Evaluation of essential channels and touch-points per target group
- Ranking of main channels, touchpoints
4 | Must-Have Customer Journeys
- Define basis e.g., combinations with ‘high’ priority
- Create journeys with prioritized channels / touchpoints
- Describe exemplary experiences per journey phase
- Visualize depen-dencies between combinations
- Describe interfaces to organizational units (e.g., IT) per journey phase
- Must-have journeys with most important channel & touchpoint combinations per target group
- Indications for organizational interfaces
5 | Omnichannel Interplay Roadmap
- Aggregate input from all must-have journeys
- List necessary channels and touch-points to be set-up
- Identify if channels and touchpoints exist or not, are planned or neglected
- Derive omnichannel initiatives based on gaps (status quo vs. target)
- Aggregate initiatives into a roadmap
- Gap analysis including key action areas
- Roadmap with short-, medium- and long-term initiatives
What makes us different
We make customers shine and inspire your customer-centric transformation
We carry the right technical and industrial know-how...
Embracing CX transformation
rpc enables organizations to adapt to changing customer needs globally. We have a proven track of record of successfully accomplishing cross-industry CX projects in the B2C and B2B environment.
Excelling omnichannel CX
We have deep understanding of key success factors in the online and offline customer experience. We also successfully carried out projects that unite the digital and physical world and offer a seamless customer journey across channels.
Understanding the value of data
To design a data-drive CX strategy, rpc analyzes existing customer journeys based on data. This makes it possible to measure the performance and contribution of channels towards CLV and to identify synergies between touchpoints.
...and bring broad methodical skills across teams.
From strategy to action
Our strategic concepts always consider an overarching perspective including implementation. As experienced consultants, we holistically steer transformations E2E from strategic concept to the physical store rollouts to training of employees.
Ready-to-go CX toolkit
We can start to deliver the project today and adjust the setup to client preferences. Tools, methods, concepts are available to be utilized. We opt for a co-creation approach to deliver results most efficiently and guarantee buy-in.
Diversified omnichannel CX experts
Our employees make the difference. In addition to classic management consultants, our employees are subject matter experts, coaches, trainers, designers, data scientists or rollout experts that bring the right expertise and skillset.
We have done it before
CX Knowledge
We crafted CX strategies rooted in genuine customer needs, enriching the customer experience, while incorporating CX best practices and insights from diverse industries and organisations.
We've developed omnichannel expertise that fosters seamless CX synergies across online and offline touchpoints, complemented by extensive knowledge in online and retail performance measurement.
Omnichannel Operationalisation
Recognizing the importance of strategic planning and operational competencies, we offer the expertise needed to translate concepts into fully operational initiatives, ensuring efficient execution and tangible results.