Legal notices

1. Information about the Service Provider according to § 5 DSA (Digital Services Act):

Name: The Retail Performance Company GmbH
Legal Form: Company with limited liability
Address: Pelkovenstraße 145, 80992 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 89/2000 508-0
Facs.: +49 89/2000 50888-99

Represented by: Christian Feilmeier (Managing Director), Sandra Loos (Managing Director)
Registration Court: Amtsgericht München
Registration Number: HRB 202744
VAT Identification Number: DE286981171 

2. Responsible for journalistically edited services according to section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty: 

Name: Christian Feilmeier

Address: c/o The Retail Performance Company GmbH, Pelkovenstraße 145, 80992 Munich, Germany (Limited Liability Company)

Christian Feilmeier (Managing Director) - Registration Number: HRB 202744 

Concept, design and technical implementation:


3. Whistleblower Contact and Privacy Officer: 

If you have any questions, concerns or issues related to the whistleblower protection reporting option, please contact us at

If you have any questions about data protection, reporting data protection incidents or exercising your rights, you can contact our data protection officer at

The rpc information security policy
We see information security as an essential prerequisite for our business success. This relates to the protection of our own data and information, as well as to the protection of the data and information of our employees and business partners. We therefore ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data and information held by the company are guaranteed at all times. 
Compliance with legal, regulatory and internal requirements is an essential foundation of information security. The rpc information security policy has been implemented to ensure that all requirements are met.

We will be glad to provide you with the complete information security policy upon request.
In the case of information security incidents, you can contact our information security officer at

So... how can we help you?


We’re ready to kick-start your
customer-centric transformation

Stephan Pauli
Stephan Pauli
Head of Business Development & Marketing