The Service Factory Concept

The Service Factory Concept

Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Automotive Service
Digitalization, new mobility concepts, and electromobility are putting the traditional business models of car dealerships to the test. To remain competitive in this dynamic environment, innovative approaches and new concepts in the service sector must be developed and implemented. The Service Factory Concept offers a forward-looking solution to improve efficiency in the service sector and to handle increasing cost pressures.

The Service Factory as a Model for Modern Car Dealership Organization

The Service Factory is a concept that aligns the organization of the service sector in a car dealership with the principles of industrial production. The focus is on the standardization of processes, the use of digital tools and technologies, and the increase in efficiency through specialization and takt production.


Characteristics of the Service Factory Concept

Standardization of Processes

In many workshops, the level of standardization for repetitive tasks such as maintenance services, tire changes, or windshield installations is still very low. This is often due to the diversity of tasks performed by a mechatronics technician and the traditional workshop organization. The Service Factory Concept aims at a consistent streamlining of these processes, leading to significant efficiency gains. However, not every workshop activity is suitable for a Service Factory organization; particularly suitable are tasks with high standardization potential.

Use of Digital Tools

Tools such as digital order acceptance or the use of digital inspection protocols, combined with high transparency in order processing, are essential for efficiently managing a Service Factory and achieving the desired results.

Specialization of Employees 

The concept enables a new type of specialized and individualized training. By focusing on individual areas of tasks, specific aspects of the automotive mechatronics training can be covered. This allows for the creation of individual learning paths for employees, addressing the skilled labor shortage. Simpler, repetitive tasks can be performed by less qualified employees, thereby freeing up highly qualified employees for specialized tasks such as fault diagnostics.

Takt Production 

Although the idea is still relatively new in the automotive service industry, the more structured processes of the Service Factory can lead to a form of flow production. This enables takt production for recurring activities in automotive service.

Quality Management

Special attention must be paid to quality management. Especially in larger workshop units with high vehicle throughput and repetitive work, the use of quality management methods is indispensable.

Advantages of the Service Factory Concept for Automotive Dealer Groups 

The Service Factory Concept offers numerous advantages for automotive dealer groups. By standardizing processes and utilizing digital tools, turnaround times can be significantly reduced, and costs lowered. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency, enabling faster and more cost-effective service delivery. Additionally, customer satisfaction improves considerably: transparent cost structures, shorter repair times, and enhanced service quality ensure that customers feel better cared for and are more likely to return. This strengthens customer loyalty and increases the likelihood that customers will recommend the dealership.

Employees also benefit from this concept. Through task specialization and ergonomic workplace design, employee satisfaction is increased. They can focus on their core competencies and are relieved of repetitive tasks, leading to higher work quality and a better working environment. Furthermore, the Service Factory Concept is flexible and scalable. It can be adapted to the changing needs of the market and the specific requirements of customers, ensuring that dealerships remain future-proof and can respond to new trends and technologies. Finally, leveraging economies of scale enables significant cost reductions: by reducing fixed costs and increasing the workshop's turnover rate, dealerships can operate more economically and improve their profitability.

Challenges in Implementing the Service Factory Concept


Investment Costs

Implementing a Service Factory requires substantial initial investments in digital tools, technologies, and employee training.


Change Management 

Transitioning to standardized processes or new working methods may lead to significant resistance among employees.


Customer Acceptance

Transparent communication with customers and proactive management of changes are necessary to maintain and strengthen customer trust.

Opportunities and Challenges in the Transformation of the Automotive Industry

The Service Factory Concept also presents significant opportunities in the context of the evolving automotive industry. Advancements in digitalization enable comprehensive modernization of the service sector and the adoption of modern technologies. This allows for process optimization and the development of new, digital business models that create additional revenue streams.

The growing prevalence of electromobility introduces new demands on the service sector, which can be efficiently and effectively addressed through the Service Factory Concept. Electric vehicles require specialized maintenance and repair processes, which can be optimally managed through standardized procedures and specialized staff.

New mobility concepts such as carsharing and ride-hailing demand flexible and scalable service solutions. The Service Factory Concept provides the necessary framework to meet these requirements and prepare dealerships for the future. By implementing this concept, dealerships can not only better serve existing customers but also explore new business areas and strengthen their market position.

Your Roadmap to Successful Implementation of the Service Factory Concept

The Service Factory Concept offers great potential for the future of the service sector in automotive retail. Dealerships that adopt this innovative concept will be able to enhance their efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and remain competitive.


Next Steps:


Analyzing Your Situation:
Dealerships should assess their current situation and determine whether the Service Factory Concept is suitable for them.


Developing a Strategy: 
A gradual approach is recommended when introducing the Service Factory Concept. We will work with you to develop your own, tailored strategy for implementing a Service Factory.


Being supported by an Experienced Partner: 
Assistance from an experienced partner facilitates the implementation process and significantly increases employee acceptance.

Interested in a customized strategy for the future of your service department?


We are ready to kickstart your customer centric transformation

Philipp Kranich
Senior Manager