Retail in transition: 
Meet the dealer of the future!

Digitalization, urbanization, individualization  - the rapid transition in customer expectations and the business environment confronts dealers worldwide with major challenges. But transition also offers great economic opportunities! With our "Dealer of the Future" strategy, we ensure the economic sustainability of your retail business and empower you to become a dealer of the future yourself.

The dealer's business model must change – we show you how:

rpc designs the dealer of the future strategy in co-creation together with the respective experts across companies. 
We guide you on the way to become a dealer of the future

rpc performs a detailed analysis of current business performance & the impact of changing environment. rpc identifies moments of thruth in the customer journey and develops together with experts across companies the target picture and key success factors for the dealer network in series of workshops.

rpc designs the target operating model of future dealers with revenues streams, profitability objectives, KPIs, processes, roles & responsibilities, etc.

At the end of the project, you will have a strategy concept and target operating model that secures sustainability of business, provides new strategic orientation with new revenue streams, increases customer experience and builds long lasting customer relationships.

Become the dealer of the future with rpc

Expertise to go. 
rpc is your first choice when it comes to mastering the challenges of the future and becoming the dealer you wish to be:


Proven Global Competence

Automotive Sales & Aftersales is our passion. After several years of experience and a wide variety of projects, we have a high level of expertise in this field, which allows us to consider different perspectives and to demonstrate a proven global implementation competence #E2E

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach

The all-around view of expertise. We have an adaptable methodology for strategy activation that takes into account dealers, partners, OEMs and their circumstances. All according to your needs.


Fast Initiation

No long waiting. By combining the aforementioned competencies, we avoid long orientation and start-up times, and after a short ramp-up, we immediately start working on the work packages.



We wouldn't be rpc if we didn't have a variety of proven components for that very purpose, which enable agile and highly structured workshop formats with rapid implementation of the results

Do not hesitate, take the chance and soon become the dealer of the future. 

We're proud of our clients


so... how can we help you?


Take the chance 
and soon become the dealer of the future. 

Erik Bellendir is partner at rpc – The Retail Performance Company
Erik Bellendir
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