Empowering Continuous Learning, Driving Innovation, and Enabling Digital Transformation:
Shape your positive transformation with us.

Enabling Digital Transformation

Driving Innovation & Improvement

Empowering Continuous Learning
Change & Transformation Empowerment enables organizations to create an environment of organizational learning. By fostering a growth mindset and empowering innovation, we help organizations meet the changing and increasingly complex challenges ahead. We focus on providing employees with the necessary tools and skills to embrace change and evolve continuously.
We believe in the power of a learning organization that is flexible, adaptive and innovation-driven. By creating a culture of organizational learning, companies can not only achieve their goals, but also build long-term resilience and competitiveness.
Our experienced team assists you in shaping the transformation process and guides your organization on the path to sustainable success. Together we develop a culture of learning, curiosity, collaboration and digital competencies. With our continuous learning approach, we empower you to drive innovation and enable successful digital transformation.
Let's shape transformation together and take your organization to the next level!
Why rpc?
As an experienced leader in Change & Transformation Empowerment, we are the right partners for your organizational development. With customized solutions and a holistic approach, we support you in establishing a culture of learning, innovation and digital transformation. Our experienced team accompanies you on your transformation journey and helps you successfully shape the change.
Many years of experience and expertise in supporting companies in change processes make us a reliable partner for your success. By working closely together, we create a dynamic and adaptive organization that is up to the challenges of today's business environment. Trust in our proven methods and let us walk the path to sustainable growth and success together.
With which customers have we already successfully implemented this offering?
Reorganization of a set-up and event location
Initial situation:
As part of a reorganisation, the departments and responsibilities were reassembled in a functional and procedural cut. Processes, roles and responsibilities changed in the process. The task was to develop a holistic transformation concept to include all target groups.
- Automotive
- Holistic support in change and transformation through communication strategy and implementation
- Conducting 6 workshops with executives to define vision, mission, strategy, communication concept and communication tools
- Defining new areas of responsibility and duties
- Clarity and transparency among all employees regarding purpose, approach, new processes and structures
- Change of mindset and introduction of a new collaboration model
Organizational development in production logistics
Initial situation:
As part of a reorganization, the following changes were made in production logistics: the national and international factories were reorganized, process chain responsibility was shifted to the factories, core teams for new startups were introduced, and three roles were unified into two new roles; Logistical Process Planner LPP and Logistical Structure Planner.
- Automotive
- Holistic support in change and transformation through communication strategy and implementation
- Conducting forums, deep dives, speaking engagements, launching a change community, creating films and scribbles, skills training.
- Defining new areas of responsibility and duties
- Clarity and transparency among all employees regarding purpose, approach, new processes and structures. Empowering managers for transformation management, implementing a qualification concept
- Change of mindset and introduction of a new collaboration model
Development of new target groups as a trans formation process
Initial situation:
The global transformation process is driving the introduction of a modern e-scooter designed to address previously unexplored market segments. This strategic move is aimed at strengthening existing customer base and sales while fostering the growth of entirely new target groups, thus securing market position and ensuring sustainable future development.
- Motorcycle
- Developing a transformation and project management concept tailored to this transformation and introduction process
- Organizational and content-related consulting and support during project implementation
- Project management and transformation concept
- Structured introduction and implementation approach
- Global integration and continuous exchange of experience among all stakeholders using various communication formats
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